Protestors in Haiti have set up road barricades with large rocks or burning tires or brush and wood that have shut down travel and shipments all over the country. The turmoil has caused the closing of schools and shops. There is a terrible fuel shortage that has shut down transportation and generators all over the country. I’ve read that over 30 Haitians have been killed and over 200 injured in the last wave of protests.
Most mission trips to Haiti were cancelled in October and they are also cancelled for November and December. Unless things change in a major way, I will not be able to go down for the Christian World Outreach Leadership Conference the first week of January, nor will I be able to go down for the two-week long block course that I am supposed to teach at STEP Seminary the last two weeks of January.
Please join me in praying for a resolution to this crisis in Haiti. Pray that the leaders will put the people before themselves. Pray for the people’s safety, for an end to the food and fuel shortages, and for an end to the skyrocketing inflation. Pray for peace in the country and for the proclamation of the gospel.
There is chaos in the country, but God is still on the throne! F.E. Marsh once wrote: “When we leave God out of our reckoning, difficulties will daunt us, temptations will triumph over us, sin will seduce us, self will sway us, the world will warp us, seeming impossibilities will irritate us, unbelief will undermine our faith, Christian work will worry us, fear will frighten us, and all things will wear a somber hue. But when God is recognized as the One who undertakes for us, then difficulties are opportunities to trust Him, temptations are harbingers of victory, sin has no attraction, self is denied, unbelief is ignored, service is a delight, contentment sings in the heart, and all things are possible!”
God Desires Worshippers
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Prayer taps into the power of the Almighty
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Ambassadors for Christ
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Three Phases of Life
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The Battle for the Mind
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Six Steps to Peace
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Five Truths to Give believers Perspective
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Come Apart and Rest a While
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Corruption & Chaos
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The Power of the Word
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The Power of the Spirit
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God's provision
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The Power of Prayer
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Fall Report - 2018
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A Shout Out after the Shoot Out
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September 2017 - Hurricane Irma
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July 2017 Summer Sessions at STEP
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May 2017 - STEP Seminary Graduation
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Trusting ourselves or Trusting our God?
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